Dad-of-nine bitten on penis by savage dog while delivering parcel

Delivery driver Daniel Dythe, 40, was bitten twice by the Rottweiler-German shepherd cross, leaving a two-inch scar on his manhood

Daniel was left with a two-inch scar on his manhood
The dog bit down twice

A father-of-nine was bitten on his manhood by an out-of-control dog .
Delivery driver Daniel Dythe was posting a parcel when the Rottweiler-German shepherd cross called Chief chomped down on his penis.
The 40-year-old desperately tried to move away but the dog growled and sunk its teeth in for a second time, tightening its grip.
Daniel has been left with two inch long scars on his penis but was pleased when doctors confirmed he has no lasting functional damage.
He said: "I haven't had any long term damage but I've lost a bit of my dignity and whenever I look down to have a wee I now see my scarred penis.
"There was no growling, no warning, nothing. I looked down and and the dog was hanging off the end of my penis.
"It was only on there for about 20 seconds but it felt like an eternity. I thought my penis was going to be in bits."
Daniel, from Chelmsford, Essex, needed four days off work following the attack on December 18 and had to take a week-long course of antibiotics to prevent infection.
He said the dog only let go when its owner, Alexandra Metcalfe, 57, came outside and started screaming.
"I've delivered there before and know that they had dogs there but didn't think anything of it," said Daniel.
"I knocked on the door and a boy answered. I was getting him to sign for the parcel and the next thing I know I just felt this excruciating pain.
"Eventually the woman came out and started screaming and the dog got off me.
"I got in my van and took a picture of it and sent it to my wife before I rushed off to hospital."
Daniel went to Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex, where nurses cleaned him up and discharged him four hours later.
Metcalfe, a nurse, pleaded guilty to owning a dog dangerously out of control at Chelmsford Magistrates Court on June 15.
Defending herself, she said: "He did run out, he did grind on the man,
"We saw no evidence of injury but he says he was, so if he was then so be it.
"Chief went back into the utility room with his tail between his legs.
"I apologised to him, I offered him medical attention."
Daniel hopes his experience will warn other pet owners to keep their dogs under control.
He added: "If it had been a child in my place it wouldn't have stood a chance. I don't blame the animals I blame the owners because they are the ones in charge.
"If it was up to me they'd have the destruction orders, not the dogs. I've got nothing against dogs. I grew up with Alsatians as a kids and I've got a French bulldog puppy called Marley now."
He said: "Every time I knock on a door now I'm worried that something's going to happen.
"People need to be responsible dog owners stop things like this happening again."
The court heard how Chief had previously attacked two other people and Chair of the bench, David Murtagh, ordered the "out of control" dog be put down.
He said: "This is the third report of Chief attacking someone.
"You have dogs which you freely admitted in court out loud run free, knowing that they're dangerous.
"A medium level of harm was caused to a very sensitive part of the person's body.
"It is an out of control dog. We are going to impose a destruction order."
Metcalfe had 21 days from her conviction last Wednesday (15/6) to appeal the destruction order on Chief.


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